Happy Thanksgiving and what not... I'm writing to you from the land of quietness and migraine headaches. There's no holiday feast or festivities for I am at the very moment eating a soy hotdog, and chasing it with some Publix Brand Cream Soda (MMMM, GOOD !!). The kids are gone, the dog is sleep and all that noisy is this re-occurring showing of 8 Mile on VH1.
What sounds like a very horrific holiday has actually turned into a much needed day of peace and quiet.
Happy Holidays...buy me something when you hit the Black Friday Sales in the morning.
Happy ThanksTakin and all of that...
Don’t Be Fooled By the Packaging.
Dear Nieces and Nephews , Your Uncle Fishgrease Fitzgerald Franklin III has stumbled upon what he believes is one of the funniest things to ever come across his pupils. Now to the commoner this wouldn't even be funny but to me it's hilarious. Now everyone that knows me in real life is aware of my love of watches and other time pieces…Well imagine my shock and the following laughter when I saw this article from Complex Magazine online http://www.complex.com/STYLE/Product-Guide/Watches/6223 . Sure it looks like 6 black watches and they're all great looking and all of that but to a person like me there's only 3. How is that so Fishgrease? Well I'll tell you. There's a Tissot. There's a Quicksilver and then …..wait for it…..there's 4 Fossils. You're probably saying that I only see one Fossil. Alas, my dear fly-by-night watch wearer, your beloved Adidas, Marc Jacobs and Emporio Armani timepieces are all Fossils. This is what you call accepted deception. I'm not saying it's wrong but it's not exactly what I'd expect to see in a magazine either. Essentially Fossil (who makes and owns some of the better lower end, middle ranking watch labels) is making a killing by stamping other boutique designer names onto their product. In business this is what you'd call a DREAM. You manufacture your same $90 product, stamp another name on it and mark it up by two and sometimes 3 times it's MSRP. This is marketing 101, Diversify your product. Give the consumer what they want even if they don't want it in your product. *side bar* This is by no means an attack on Fossil for I simply love their products and to prove it And of all the watches that I own (some 50 +) these fossil derivatives are probably the ones that I wear most often. So there's nothing wrong with the article, I just wish they'd have allowed someone who knew a little more about the diversity of brands to expand the recommended choices as opposed to what they offered in the publication. * end of sidebar* ~fin
5 of those watches in that case are all manufactured by Fossil. The two that look alike but are different colors are Cartier but the rest of them from top to bottom are all Fossil Products. They include
I've Been Busy ....(doing nothing)
I wish i could conjure up some big obnoxious tale as to why I haven't sat myself down and just updated this here blog of mine but as my usual life would dictate to the (internet) masses, I'm a big blob of laziness and false promises.
I have come up with a list of reasons as to why i have neglected you so.
- TWITTER : As much as i wanted to write this little program off as a useless tool of social interaction it has been the source of countless keystrokes of entertainment.
- Downloading Music. This should be no shock to any of you. I'm always in search of music but no search has been to the lengths of the now found HOLY GRAIL of posts past (aka Electrik Blue by Nicole Wray)
- NANIWRIMO : Oh, i started strong on this mug right here..but as usual my attention span waned and my interest in having a brag-worthy manuscript all but diminished this year. I managed to write just shy of 10k words and then just quit. *note to self * YOU'RE A QUITTER *end of note to self*
- E-Stalking. I've been trying to use the internet search engines to located the love of my life's address and other personal information. I never realized just how private Nia Long actually is. But that's alright baby, I know you're looking for me and it's only a matter of time before you give into my advances and allow me to massage your sexcushion.
- Television. Yeah, totally unlike me but I've been getting my fair share of the finest ignorance that moving picture box has to offer. The Real Housewives of Atl, Keyshia Cole, Coolio and of course all things HGTV have been the mainstays of my viewing pleasure for most of the past few weeks.
- Linux. I've been trying to teach myself the basics of this operating system to such a great rate of failure that its barely worth mentioning here but alas, this post is about why i haven't been blogging and for that reason fits ever so perfectly in this entry.
- SEX. No, I haven't been getting any more than usual. I just think of it more and thus i search the internet in search of masturbation worthy porn. Sadly, this search has come up with very bland material as i've either a) see the clips before or b) I refuse to pay for a nut or rather I refuse to pay to download such sh*t.
- Being Sick. I've been sick for about a week now and everytime I think i've shaken the damn thing another sympton of greater magnitude brings me back to reality and knocks me off my ass for another 3 or so days.
- Chelsea Handler. Man, I love this broad and her show Chelsea Lately. She is everything that i am minus the big head and penis. (I think she likes black dudes though).
- Chopin Vodka. Nothing more needs to be said about my love for Chopin and as of lately i've just been downloading music and sipping on the finest of mineral spirits. LOL
Dear Nieces and Nephews,
Please forgive me but the next 30 days will be devoted for the National Novel Writing Month (aka Naniwrimo.org). So if I don't update like I should (Hell I ain't been doing it any how) please know that this annual contest is the reason why. In between writing on this project I'll attempt to fit in and find time to devote to my first literary love "the fishgrease project or whatever literary backdrop I've chosen to name this particular chronological scribe. Love always, kae Williams
2 mins & 19 secs of Bud Light Lime (beer) and Lunestra.
This was written 45 mins in of poppin' a Lunestra tab and 4 beers in of a 6 pack…I'm phucked up and prolly knockin' on deaths door but hopefully it's not everywhere and then again..it's me so it's RAN.DUMB.NESS at it's finest. Enjoy. UNTITLED by Kae "FISHGREASE" Williams I think I went about it wrong… I should've never tried to walk with God. I should've slowed down And just tried to talk with God. Softened by death Ironically, thinking (that maybe) life is hard. It all feels trife, trying to do right. Soul bruised, (maybe) I'm emotionally scarred. It's a different world From where we come from. Life is an unscripted sitcom Even when shits the bomb The shit is dumb. I'm often amazed that I'm annoyed by my younger days. My past ways, the past Kae. Love doesn't live here anymore. I'm ready to cash in my chips. But I won't settle for just any whore. Trying to sell nickel for my thoughts, A kiss is just a penny for. I've seen dark drunken nights And if life is right, I pray That I see many more.