Dear Momma.

I remember the bad times because that's my nature and that was the last stage of life we shared...but I also remember that the good times existed. I remember not growing up with a father figure in the house and you taking the dual roles the best you possibly could. I remember not being able to shoot a jump shot and you showing me how to follow through with my elbows. I remember not knowing how to approach girls at school and you telling me to show them respect, be yourself and they'll come to you. I didn't realize it then...but my mother made me a man.

I remember that when I didn't know how to paid for the boxing lessons instead of telling me to turn the other cheek and not get into squabbles and avoid trouble. You knew that as a son raised by only his mother that fighting would be my only way to survive. A lil' dude, barely over 5 feet tall, can't just walk away either he runs and gets chased and eventually caught or he stands his ground, gets knocked down but never gets phucked with again. You understood that. I don't know how you allowed yourself to let your little Prince become a King in such a manner...I guess the times were different. You made a man in an era where men where men and didn't have to resort to the petty cowardice of handling simple arguments with guns. I thank you for that. My mother made me a man.

I remember when your boyfriend tried to lay hands on you...I remember now just how those boxing lessons came in handy. I didn't outright beat him, but he didn't phuck with you anymore and he heeded when I told him that he's no longer welcomed in our home or life. You didn't have me take that training to protect myself; you knew that eventually I'd have to protect us. My mother had a boy and raised me to be a man. I didn't realize it then, but I thank you for it now.

If I didn't tell you then mom, I'm telling the world now...that I love you, always have, and always will.

Anita Williams 8/23/49 - 4/29/02

You birthed a boy and raised a man. And that man is me...Kae Williams

Fishgrease presents Fishgrease, Jr the Fourth...

This is the light of my life. Fishgrease Fiftzgerald Franklin IV....

This is a feeble attempt of a proud papa to show the world his pride and joy as well to let y'all know that Styling on Y'all ain't just something I do to make y'all hate...I was born with this swagger and now I've passed such genes down to the offspring.

Out do me...or die trying.


Undeniable Swagger

*as if I really need a reason to post a picture of Nitara Carlynn Long **

There has to be a level of admiration and amazement for a woman that has the self assurance to stroll around this physical appearance stricken universe with a (short) hair style that goes against the grain. You have to have a certain aura of confidence to be able to pull off the look on a daily and consistent basis.

There's something to be said about a woman with short hair, slim frame with little to no ass or breast that walks into a room and single handedly demands the attention of every male in the room. I saw a lady just like that last night at Barleys on Peachtree. She wasn't arrogant in her mannerisms by any stretch of the imagination but her smile let everyone know that she was having the time of her life and that the night (and the world for that matter) was hers and hers only.

Right now at the very writing of this entry,I'm sitting at Starbucks entranced by a lady that looks like a more attractive version of Jada Pinkett (before the Smith) circa 1996...same scenario, short hair, little to no ghetto refined thickness at all but shes the sexiest muhphucka in the room. I'd take a picture but that's just so corny and its beyond the limits of this literary god (ahem, that would be me for y'all slow bus riding individuals).

This is the life I have now chosen to live...I am admiring the unapproachable. Now don't get it wrong they're not unapproachable in the aspect that their out of my league (for the man upstairs hasn't made a woman of that mold since Mother Theresa). I'm just in the phase of my life by which its more enjoyable to view the goods than it is to chase and corrupt them and turn them into bitter hags because they fell for false promises of togetherness.

**steps out the game, walks up the stands and just watches the action from the executive box seats that aren't available to the commoners.**
