There has to be a level of admiration and amazement for a woman that has the self assurance to stroll around this physical appearance stricken universe with a (short) hair style that goes against the grain. You have to have a certain aura of confidence to be able to pull off the look on a daily and consistent basis.
There's something to be said about a woman with short hair, slim frame with little to no ass or breast that walks into a room and single handedly demands the attention of every male in the room. I saw a lady just like that last night at Barleys on Peachtree. She wasn't arrogant in her mannerisms by any stretch of the imagination but her smile let everyone know that she was having the time of her life and that the night (and the world for that matter) was hers and hers only.
Right now at the very writing of this entry,I'm sitting at Starbucks entranced by a lady that looks like a more attractive version of Jada Pinkett (before the Smith) circa 1996...same scenario, short hair, little to no ghetto refined thickness at all but shes the sexiest muhphucka in the room. I'd take a picture but that's just so corny and its beyond the limits of this literary god (ahem, that would be me for y'all slow bus riding individuals).
This is the life I have now chosen to live...I am admiring the unapproachable. Now don't get it wrong they're not unapproachable in the aspect that their out of my league (for the man upstairs hasn't made a woman of that mold since Mother Theresa). I'm just in the phase of my life by which its more enjoyable to view the goods than it is to chase and corrupt them and turn them into bitter hags because they fell for false promises of togetherness.
**steps out the game, walks up the stands and just watches the action from the executive box seats that aren't available to the commoners.**
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