I grew up in an era where...

• Bugle Boy Jeans was a brand name
• Sodas didn't have an expiration date
• Where bike riding didn't require helmets
• A fist fight wasn't followed by a lawsuit. U either won or got'cho ass whooped and kept it moving.
• Rap music was fun and was broken down into regions.
• If you didn't like something..it was a matter of opinion and you weren't labeled as a '' hater''
• Where riding the bus was viewed as a mode of transportation and not seen as an indicator for economic hardship.
• Where $10 worth of gas used to getcha a full tank of gas.
• Where making it rain meant someones mom let us play with their water hose and sprinkler system.
• Where you liked cars cuz they truly where cool not because they had rims' and other shit that belongs in ya living room.
• Women looked liked women and men looked like men even those who didn't have a straight sexual orientation.
• Where black was beautiful and everyone was vying to validate themselves as socially acceptable by claiming some other longlost and forgotten trace of latin' asian or white ethnicity.
• Where Run was a rapper and not a reality show star
• Where MTV showed videos.
• Where personally knowing a crack head was a rarity not a normal occurrence.

To be Continued.

but i'm ~FIN~ for the moment.

1 people with sum'n to say:

Anonymous (visit their site)

Ha ha ... classic. Looking forward to the continuation.