Yep, Good Ol' Kae has decided that the time has come for all of us decent lookin' people to be extra nice to the of society.
Therefore starting now until 11:59 pm EST, I want each and every one of you to be nice to the UGLY people that you come in contact with. Make them feel happy.
If you're at McDonalds or the Waffle House and you're being served by a guttermunch, don't ball up your face in disgust, flirt with'em. be nice to 'em. Lay it on thick. Hell you'll make them feel better about themselves and you might just get a free sammich or sumshit out of it all.
Go out amongst the world and find an UGLY person to befriend today. It's your call and duty.
and if you so happen to suddenly discover that there's a shitload of people being nice to you today....don't worry about it, you're just ugly. Things will return back to normal tomorrow.
the notorious k.a.e.
6 years ago
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