Dear people of the blogosphere,
I haven't deserted you quite yet...I just haven't had a whole lot to post in terms of interesting subject matter. (I'll admit that zero drama results in boring reads) I could tell you about the ins and outs of love and life--but I have none. Life is great. Love is promising. Loving Life seems to be the grand scheme of things for the moment. My only complaint is money but what's the point of complaining about that if you haven't any. I'm actively working on that as well and with Mr. Johnson's grace (that's God to you commoners), my son's smile and good fortune things will soon be on the up and up. I'm in a self made rut and only now am I realizing that it's pretty much of my own plan, design and previous lack of desire to change that's caused me much of my past aggressions and grief. So I'll wallow in my prison of pity no longer.
As they say, I'm too blessed to be stressed. It's too divine for me to mind...
feel free to watch one of my personal cult favorites of the 90's. Many people shitted and hated on this flick but never enough for me to dislike it in anyway.
The Inkwell...(Jada Smith, Larenz Tate, Morris Chestnutt and who never ever was semi-famous and black in my high school graduation year of 1994)
6 years ago
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