Total Size: 5.4 GB
Album list:
01 - Bethlehem period (1957-1959, 3 albums):
[1957] - Nina Simone - Little Girl Blue [256vbr][1958]
[1958] - Nina Simone - Jazz As Played In An Exclusive Side Street Club [MPC]
[1959] - Nina Simone - Nina Simone And Her Friends [160cbr]
02 - Colpix period (1959-1964, 10 albums):
[1959] - Nina Simone - The Amazing Nina Simone+Bonus [320vbr]
[1959] - NS - The Amazing NS - NS at Town Hall [320vbr]
[1960] - Nina Simone - Nina At Newport [192cbr]
[1961] - Nina Simone - Forbidden Fruit [192cbr]
[1961] - Nina Simone - Nina Simone Live At The Village Gate [192cbr]
[1962] - Nina Simone - Nina Sings Ellington [192cbr]
[1963] - Nina Simone - Nina Simone At Carnegie Hall [192cbr]
[1963] - Nina Simone - Nina's Choice [128cbr]
[1964-1966] - Nina Simone - Folksy Nina - Nina with Strings [320vbr]
03 - Philips period (1964-1967, 7 albums):
[1964] - Nina Simone - Broadway Blues Ballads [224vbr]
[1964] - Nina Simone - In Concert [256vbr]
[1965] - Nina Simone - I Put A Spell On You [192cbr]
[1965-1966] - Nina Simone - Pastel Blues And Let It All Out [320vbr]
[1966] - Nina Simone - Wild Is the Wind AND High Priestes [320vbr]
04 - RCA period (1967-1974, 9 albums):
[1967] - Nina Simone - Nina Simone Sings the Blues [256vbr]
[1967] - Nina Simone - Silk & Soul [192vbr]
[1968] - Nina Simone - 'Nuff Said! [320cbr]
[1969] - Nina Simone - Nina Simone And Piano [192vbr]
[1969-1971] - Nina Simone - To Love Somebody and Here Comes The Sun [320vbr]
[1970] - Nina Simone - Black Gold [256vbr]
[1972-1974] - Nina Simone Emergency Ward & It Is Finished [320vbr]
05 - European Years from 1975:
[1978] - Nina Simone - Baltimore [256vbr]
[1982] - Nina Simone - Fodder On My Wings [320cbr]
[1985] - Nina Simone - Nina's Back [192cbr]
[1986] - Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me [MPC]
[1987] - Nina Simone - Let It Be Me (Live at Vine St.) [256vbr]
[1993] - Nina Simone - A Single Woman [192cbr]
06 - Nina Simone Lives, Bootlegs & Remixes:
[1968] - Nina Simone - The Great Show Live in Paris [128cbr]
[1969] - Nina Simone - A Very Rare Evening [WMA128cbr]
[1977] - Nina Simone - Theatre Royal, London, England [256vbr]
[1985] - Nina Simone - Live at Ronnie Scotts-(DVD-AUD)
[1990] - Nina Simone - Madame, Live In Montreux [160cbr]
[2002] - Nina Simone - Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter [Jazzman 7''] [192cbr]
[2003] - Nina Simone - How True [Vinyl] [192vbr]
[2003] - Nina Simone - Sinnerman Felix Da Housecat Mix [VLS] [192cbr]
[2006] - Nina Simone - Ain't Got No, I Got Life [UK Promo CDM] [224vbr]
[2006] - Nina Simone - Remixed And Reimagined [256vbr]
[2006] - Nina Simone - Remixes One - Promo Vinyl [Dj James] [224vbr]
07 - Nina Simone Featured & Tributes:
[1989] - Pete Townshend - The Iron Man [320cbr]
[1990] - Maria Bethania - Canto Do Paje (Song of The Shaman) [160cbr]
[1991] - Miriam Makeba - Eyes on Tomorrow [192cbr]
[1993] - Nina Simone & Hans Zimmer - Point Of No Return [192cbr]
[2002] - N'Dambi - Tunin Up & Cosignin [192cbr]
[2003] - The Walkabouts - Slow Days With Nina [192cbr]
08 - Nina Simone Relevant Compilations:
[1969] - Nina Simone - Suzanne [192cbr]
[1969] - Nina Simone - The Best Of Nina Simone [320vbr]
[1971] - Nina Simone - Ne Me Quitte Pas [192vbr]
[1989] - Nina Simone - The Best Of Nina Simone [RCA] [320cbr]
[1993] - Nina Simone - The Best Of The Colpix Years [256cbr]
[1994] - Nina Simone - Feeling Good-The Very Best Of, [256abr]
[1994] - Nina Simone - The Rising Sun Collection [192cbr]
[1994] - Nina Simone - The Tomato Collection [192vbr]
[1995] - Nina Simone - After Hours [192cbr]
[1995] - Nina Simone - Private collection [160cbr]
[1998] - Nina Simone - Reflections [320vbr]
[1998] - Nina Simone - The Very Best of, - Sugar in My Bowl 1967-1972 [2CD] [256cbr]
[1999] - Nina Simone - Ne Me Quitte Pas [192cbr]
[2000] - Nina Simone - Angel Of The Morning [128cbr]
[2000] - Nina Simone - Quiet Now-Night Song [192vbr]
[2003] - Nina Simone - Gin House Blues (Nina Simone In Concert) [160cbr]
[2003] - Nina Simone - Sings Billie Holiday [256cbr]
[2005] - Nina Simone - I Maestri Del Blues Collection [224vbr]
My fam knows what this is about.....
Dear Atlanta...
Man, fuck this city.
yeah, I said it.
I don't even see a drop, a smidget, a spec of pollen and muhphucka, I look like Will Smith in Hitch. My face is all swollen, my eyes are red and damn near shut with mucus and shitnot.
phuck atlanta.
I don't like where I stay...I'ma fly away (C) kae-lo "NO" goodie.
i can't swallow, i'm irritable and did i mention that of all things to be allergic to, i'm allergic to GRASS. Yeah, you read that right G-R-A-S-S... GRASS, muhphucka...grass is err'where on this gotdayum city. I've been pill poppin' and even had an allergy shot last week but .....
damn it ain't no phuckin' but....I'm dying and it's my city's fault.
I need a true concrete jungle with no plants and what not.
And it's just not my city that's killin' me...its my son. How do you tell a four yr old, that it's 70 degrees outside, sun shining, birds chirping, kites flying, that y'all are the only muhphuckas on the planet that can't go outside cuz daddy's insurance doesn't provide a plastic bubble suit for him to walk around outside in.
So yeah, even though I knew it would cause me symptoms that would make me almost welcome death with open arms, I drove his lil' tail to Grant Park, fought through the watery and tearing eyes, the sniffles and the wheezing so he could be amongst other active kids and non-allergy suffering parents.
*Dear God, I'm kidding' about welcomin' death and what not...my sarcasm doesn't carry over well in the written form. Please note that statement was a joke...you know the hee-hee, ha-ha kind*
If y'all don't suffer from allergies just know that I hope you die young and of unusual and questionable circumstances...And if you do have allergies, I give you my heart but not my Benadryl and other allergy drugs.
*hits post message and staying in the house until May*
Will one of y'all muhphuckas bring me a Vanilla Coke, please?
Fishgrease Fisits Fillydelphia
This is footage of my recent voyage to Philly, PA.
OKP Boho Cinema
Medicine For Melancholy is the story of two African-American twenty-somethings who wake up in bed together having no recollection of how they arrived there. From the appearance of things it's clear they've had sex. Then, an exercise in the mundane: they dress; neither has a toothbrush, find themselves side by side at the sink, thumbing toothpaste across their gums; decide to have a cup of coffee at a nearby café; sit together then, while awaiting service, realize neither knows the other's name; introduce; cab for the trip home-"across town" each says to the other of where they live-share this cab, the girl (Jo') dropped off first; shake hands, part ways. Hours later, the guy (Micah) shows up at her apartment. She left her purse on the backseat. There's a connection. They give themselves over to it. Wandering the streets of San Francisco on a Sunday afternoon, the pair take in the sights of the city less seen in today's cinema-the gloriously appointed Museum of African Diaspora, Yuerba Buena Gardens and its sprawling blend of civil rights memorials, wide lawns and tea gardens, the fabulous excess of the St. Regis hotel. As day gives way to night and their heads swirl further with the euphoria of pleasures both physical and intellectual, the immediacy of their previous physical encounter leads them to explore each other in a succession of moments so intimate the vulnerability they share changes them forever. By the time these two part ways is it literally a "brand new day."
All good things must come to an end...
The title of this entry rings painfully true. I am now sitting in the
Philly Int'l Airport waiting for my departure back to familiar
territory (aka Atlanta). I must say that this weekend has been a
blast all due to my greatful host (who also serves as my long term
crush and current (and possibly) final object of my affection.)
How stupid was it for me to bring a camera for the trip but barely use
it? I suppose that is just indicative that I was having way too much
fun to allow mere photo snapping to abruptly ruin the moment. Granted
I do not have physical pictures to share with the world but the mental
memories that are embeded in my mind will last me a lifetime.
This weekend I was able to learn alot about myself. The biggest self
realization happened to be that I am a closeted control freak. I
didn't do anything that I planned *FOR THE RECORD ,I didn't plan
anything but everyhing that we did I had no hand in organizing. Never
in my adult life have I ever gone somewhere and was driven around the
entire time. Giving up that sort of power damn near feminized me to a
point where my homeboy Kenny would have blurted out " N*gga, have you
gone faggot?" ( I swear he says this in real life),
Another thing I learned about myself is that i am completely
controlled and absorbed by the concept of time. I have to be the only
black person who plans out his whole day to the absolute milli-second.
Anyone that knows me can attest that I am up by 6 am and out my
6:30am, only to return home by noon. During that time I perform the
tasks and errands that a normal person wouldn't do until way later in
the day. Spending time with someone that operates on the provebial and
cliched Colored People Time is both annoying and pleasently welcomed
at the same time. I was forced to slow down and look at the world from
a free thinkers point of view. I realized that even when I don't have
things planned out, I still tend to have an iternirary, agenda, or
plan of action in my head. " Going with the flow" in my world consists
of traveling down channels and avenues already experienced whereas in
the realms of others the same phrase doesnt hold the same meaning... A
free spirit I am not. I live and thrive off of structure and
premediatated courses of action.
I managed to break all diet rules over the past few days... I ate out
more than I ever should have, spent more money than I care to mention
and had more fun doing it all than I can ever scribe on this here blog.
I have learned one valuable lesson and that is: FUN CAN NOT BE
I won't go into great details but I will say that I had an enjoyable
evening at the Four Seasons Hotel complete with a full body massage,
whirlpool jacuzzi, and a great Thai dinner.
Well family, I'll attempt to recap my entire weekend events in further
detail at a later time but the battery on this iPod Touch are dying
and I am currently on Delta Flight 1005 in route back to my humble
abode back in Atlanta.
To CDS, thanks and love for a great time
We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid (c)
Benjamin Franklin
Patience is indeed a virtue. Here I am waiting to board a plane after
countless mishaps, misfortunes and other obstacles. Life has a way of
making you slow down and re-evaluate everyhing. If i've learned
anything his week it's been that the dash that separates the date you
were born and the date that you die isn't meant to be breezed or
rushed through. God Johnson has made sure that I either take it all in
at a natural pace or die a sudden death trying to avoid it.
We are all born ignorant but one must work hard to remain stupid (c)
Benjamin Franklin
The end of an Era.
R.I.P Metropolitan Home Magazine
I'm on hiatus...be back soon
I'm bout to logo this picture.....
33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself
33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself
1. What Do You Do For A Living?
You may not know what you’re really doing for a living. You may think you have a job, but you’re actually just selling your time. And that comes down to selling your life. And that means you’re living your life by selling it. And you may not even know that.
2. Who Do You Love?
Is that your partner? Or somebody else? Do you love many persons at once? Just answer as detailed as you can to this one. We never seem to have enough time do really think at the ones we love. We can’t love someone if we forget to think about him.
3. Do You Have Enough Money?
That’s a very important question. You may have less money than everyone else in your group, but still have enough. Or you may have huge amounts of money and yet not enough to make you feel better. How much money do you need in your life?
4. Are You Healthy?
You may be able to wake up every morning and go to work, but do you think at yourself as being a healthy person? The way you see your health has a huge impact on your reality perception. It’s like applying filters to what’s happening to you.
5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?
Have you ever wandered what do you think about yourself from this point of view? Maybe we take it for granted that we are inherently good and all the other guys are wrong. But is this really true? Do you really think you are a good person? Why?
6. How Old Are You?
You shouldn’t just open your ID and do some math. It’s not the number of years since you’ve been born that matter here. But mostly how old do you feel you are. What’s your perceived age. Because, believe it or not, this is your real age.
7. Who’s Your Best Friend?
Do you have one? Is he or she still alive? Write his name and think at that person for a while. Write a short description of he or she. Where did you met first time? What were the circumstances? What makes that person your best friend, after all?
8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?
Do you still remember it? You wanted to travel the world? You wanted to just have a family and raise your kids? Is that what you’re doing right now? Has your dream become true? Or are you drifting away from it with every single day of your life?
9. How Often Do You Laugh?
Try to remember exactly how often do you laugh during a day. Is this a difficult thing? Why? Because you laugh so often that you couldn’t remember when was the last time you didn’t had a good laugh? Or because you simply forgot how it is to laugh?
10. What Makes You Smile?
List at least 10 items. If you can’t find 10 items that makes you smile, we have a problem. Don’t rush, take your time. Smiling is different from laughing the same way walking in the park is different from climbing a mountain. You’re just enjoying the walk.
11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?
Do you have one? List his/her name here and a short story about how this enemy changed your life. Friends are making us do things for them, but enemies are making us do things because of them. Either way, they’re shaping our life and we must know how.
12. Where Do You Live?
Is this really your place? Do you feel at home there? How did you end up with it, anyway? The story of your house is deeply blended with your own life. Where do you feel at home is the most important place in the world for you. What makes it home?
13. Do You Think You’re Strong?
I would be really curious to know the answer to this one. I love strong people. They have this power to change their life and to create incredible things. What “strong” means to you? It’s a question of force? Or endurance? Of speed? Or intelligence?
14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Have you really done something important? Something that changed your life fundamentally? Or something that changed somebody else’s life fundamentally? Why was that important? Answer with first thing that pops out in your head.
15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Do you consider you’ve done stupid things in your life? I think everybody does but not everybody admits that. Most of the people blame the circumstance, the karma, the others, everyone except them. Do you have the power to accept you’ve done a really stupid thing?
16. Do You Love Yourself?
Like really, truly accepting everything about you. Does it happen to hate yourself? Most people do that without even being aware. Just answer the first thing that pops to your head, again. Usually, this is exactly how you feel about yourself.
17. What Do You Fear The Most?
That might be difficult. But also liberating. Your biggest fear is most of the time your escape door, if you face it with enough courage. Can you think at something that scares you really hard? Maybe answering to this question will really frighten you?
18. What Is Your Favorite Word?
You must have one, everybody does. It might be the one you’re saying all day long without realizing or it might be something that really makes you feel good when you’re telling it. Most of the time, there’s an unconscious link between your true self and this word.
19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
Admit it. Everybody cries. Men, women, kids. It might be something you’re not very proud of, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happened. What was so powerful that really cracked you up inside? Think about it and let it emerge again. Make peace with it. If you can.
20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
In this exact context, what’s the only thing that could shift your entire existence if it will manifest right now? Many people tend to give a certain amount of money as a number, but in my experience this will only maximize the problems, not making them go away.
21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
Again, what’s the only thing that could negatively impact your life right now in a way that you wouldn’t believe it’s possible? Between those two possibilities lies your entire lifespan. How is this lifespan? How large is your road are you traveling now?
22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now
Not really a question, but definitely an interesting answer. Can you see yourself in 5 years from now? How would you look? How would you behave? You would do the same things are you doing right now? Don’t write a full story, a single, concentrated sentence would be enough.
23. Do You Regret Anything?
If yes, what exactly? If not, why not. Regrets are usually strings we didn’t pull entirely from our past, leaving us tied up to a context which is not longer real. Facing your regrets will reveal parts of yourself you thought you forgot. Important parts of yourself.
24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?
Just after you open your eyes. Is it a thought? Is it a gesture? We all tend to create a morning routine and it seems that this routine is shaping our entire diurnal activity. Have you ever thought what is the first thing you do in the morning?
25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?
Similarly, before you go to bed, you do have preferred thought. What is it? What makes your transition to the sleeping world without any major frictions? What’s your password to the dream realm? What if you would lose this thought suddenly?
26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?
Was it a mountain? Or a huge city tower? Whatever feels high for you should go there. I don’t want to know the difference from the sea level, but what exactly you experienced on the highest perceived point you’ve ever been? Fear? Exhilaration?
27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
Imagine you met a fairy tale and you have only one wish: you could change only one thing in your life. What is that thing? How would you like to change it? If it wasn’t this absolute power you just received, would you still wanted that thing to be changed?
28. What Are You Proud Of?
What is the only thing you’ve done that will instantly make you feel totally and undeniably proud of yourself? When you did that? What were the circumstances? Would you still do the same thing now?
29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence
If in the next 10 seconds your life will end, how would you describe it? Just one sentence for your entire life. Can you do that? You only have 10 seconds, so you can consider this a speed question.
30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most
Is this a mosquito humming? The sounds of a knife on a porcelain plate? Or is it people calling you in a certain way? Friends breaking promises? Being stuck in traffic? Try to remain calm while answering.
31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?
Yes, it’s your interview, but if you would be able to address one question to God, assuming He will answer you, what would that question look like? What is the most important thing you want to know from God?
32. Do You Have Secrets?
If yes, why? If not, are you sure? What is your number one reason for having and keeping secrets? Are you afraid of other people reactions? Are you ashamed? Or you just love to cover things for the pleasure of re-discovering them later?
33. What Makes You Laugh?
You do have something that instantly puts you in a totally laughing state, do you? There must be something that makes you laugh out loud. What is it? When was the first time you bumped into that thing?
My 2010 Bucket List
10 things I plan on doing before the end of 2010
- Take a picture in a club bathroom
- Use one of these at a major league sporting event http://www.trinkartikel.de/images/product_images/info_images/Trinkhelm_big.jpg
- Spend the night at the Essex House Hotel (where Donny Hathaway jumped to his death).
- Take my son on his first airplane flight.
- Take a Deathrow picture with my son and my dad that looks like this http://blogs.westword.com/backbeat/deathrow.jpg
- Tell someone who I’m not related to that I love them.
- Take my son to the beach (this will probably take place along with #4
- Finish either my book or sitcom script.
- Get closer to my lil’ brother (we used to talk a lot but his impending teenage life and my intro into parenthood has made our 19 yr age difference even more obvious
- Visit my mother and grandmother’s grave. I haven’t been to the cemetery since they were bother interred (in 2002) and I think a trip to each of their respective sites is long over due.
Who will love me in winter?
I told her to take my hand and pull me near....
She grabbed my arm and flung me to the ground.
Hurt people hurt people © Shanise Taylor
Now she wants to be friends...I just want it to end. Which on my part has already occured. Delusions of grandeur are no more. The windows are clear and I see that the grass only appears green when your looking at it from the pavement.
I'm going to find my heart in Philly. That's where I belong.
15 mins or mo’ until New Years (2010)
The Wonderfully Horrible Days of Kae Williams Season One, Episode 1.
Instead of spending my New Years Eve out in the streets, I opted to play it cool and stay home with my son…this was by far the best New Years eve that I’ve experienced in a long time.
Watch the video, hope that you enjoy the follies between my son and I.