Happy effin' holidays to you all. Hope you're enjoying the foul evil spirits and attitudes that the holidays seem to breed and foster. ...
I spent the start of today opening, assembling and playing with the kids and their toys. Needless to say that i am rather spent and feel like i need something that resembles a nap. So just as soon as the effects of these morning beers wear off then I'll pop me an Ambien and see if Mr. Sandman will attempt to carry me off to my dream of dormancy.
The only other thing i accomplished was to fix this very Acer 4315 laptop that had a very severe screen flicker problem. I actually took this mug apart, fixed it and put it back together. The amazing thing about this whole thing is that i did not lose any screws or other parts....that's a rarity for me.
Well toodles B*tches. Happy Holidays.
Merry Chrimah and Happy Heineken...
Something I didn’t want to forget that I said.
death is my 1/2 cousin...i invite him over for dinner but he never stays the night. © Me talking to Abby
This is proof…
Today is proof positive to all of my naysayers that do not believe that I write every day. I told y'all I blog EVERY DAY…I just keep a lot of it private due to the content or due to the mood I was in when I wrote it. But never the less…enjoy the 3 updates that I made available for today. The chances of my blog being updated 3 times in one day ranks between slim and none of ever happening again.
I grew up in an era where...
• Bugle Boy Jeans was a brand name
• Sodas didn't have an expiration date
• Where bike riding didn't require helmets
• A fist fight wasn't followed by a lawsuit. U either won or got'cho ass whooped and kept it moving.
• Rap music was fun and was broken down into regions.
• If you didn't like something..it was a matter of opinion and you weren't labeled as a '' hater''
• Where riding the bus was viewed as a mode of transportation and not seen as an indicator for economic hardship.
• Where $10 worth of gas used to getcha a full tank of gas.
• Where making it rain meant someones mom let us play with their water hose and sprinkler system.
• Where you liked cars cuz they truly where cool not because they had rims' and other shit that belongs in ya living room.
• Women looked liked women and men looked like men even those who didn't have a straight sexual orientation.
• Where black was beautiful and everyone was vying to validate themselves as socially acceptable by claiming some other longlost and forgotten trace of latin' asian or white ethnicity.
• Where Run was a rapper and not a reality show star
• Where MTV showed videos.
• Where personally knowing a crack head was a rarity not a normal occurrence.
To be Continued.
but i'm ~FIN~ for the moment.
Ella La’Donne
Bye Bye Love Tears of forgotten transgressions Pain unknown I don't think you understand how much I miss you. The want to hold you. The desire to kiss you. Bye bye. Love. Never got the chance. Never got to save the last dance. Never got to understand what I didn't understand. Bye bye love. Cant cry. Won't shed no tears. Losing the only thing I loved. The embodiment of all my fears. Bye bye love. I cherish the time we had. Even the longest days now seem cut short. Arguments oh so petty. Heated words and sharp edged retorts. Bye bye love. One day at a time. Still can't seem to heal. 6 yrs since I've seen you. And it still doesn't feel real. Bye bye love. The only love. My only love. The reason why I love. Bye bye love. Remember me. As I remember you. Thoughts of happiness are all I now view. Bye bye love. Bye bye. Love….
Something’s are Best Left Unmentioned.
I have issues and of course my issues are by no means greater or better than those of my audience but being that this is my blog, my issues for the moment are superior. So with that said, allow me to relay to you what my issue happens to be. *DRUMROLL* My issue is that I have a hard time keeping (myself) quiet when things bother me. So there's no better time than to give a rundown of all that bothers me. I present to you what I traditionally referred to as RanDUMBness.
- I don't give two flying phucks about Oprah Winfrey and her 40 lbs weight gain. B*tch, you are a kazillionaire…that's all that matters to me. Love is blind and your money is green. Eat and be merry.
- Brian Nichols got sentenced to 3 million, 400 hundred thousand and 48 days of life behind bars. Don't know if he thinks about it now but had he originally gone to trial with his original rape case, it's possible that he'd be out on parole right now. Dumb Phucka.
- Jennifer Anniston is using every media outlet and publicity stunt to slander Angelina Jolie and make herself appear like the victim…..i really have nothing to say here being that I have a strange attraction to Ms. Anniston and want to put my splooge-tool in her orifices.
- T-Boz from TLC is losing her house to foreclosure. While I don't wish this on anyone…it was rather foreseeable. I mean she already has one of the most well known celebrity bankruptcies in the world along with Left-Eye and Chili. I just don't understand that why, with all of the previous financial struggles, would you buy a home so lavish as a 10,000 sq foot abode when a modest $700,000 range home could have done the job. {If anyone knows the Atlanta housing market then you're aware that $700k can go a long way in regards to home purchasing.}
- Plaxico Buress shot himself and now he's gonna be facing jail time…I shoot me and I gotta do a stretch on the rock.
- Lil' buddy committed suicide via poppin' pills and puttin' it on a webcam for everyone to watch. Not sure how I feel about that as usually suicide is prefaced with signs/cries for help. His family wants to blame the internet for not being proactive where I believe that the signs were there all along and it's the parents who didn't see things until it all faded to black.
- This Keyshia Cole album ain't ½ bad. I'm glad she's not going the route of sounding like everyone else and that she's trying to carve her own lane in this already flooded market. I'm not a fan but it is a rather decent and car riding worthy album. Not enough soul stirring songs on it though but it's still a quality listen.
- Colin Powell could've very well been the first black president had he chosen to run. Ironically even though he was/is a lifelong Republican, he was backing and rooting for Obama.
- I got the worse eczema flair up ever. And its like flaring up right on my elbow. Now my right elbow has this unsightly dry patch of skin. I'm about to exfoliate with some got'dayum sea salt when I hop in the shower.
- Who in the living phuck gave Tyler Perry another sitcom? I sincerely need to get my sitcom scripted shopped to mainstream corporate America. ABC here I come. I can't be mad @ Tyler Perry's hustle (i.e. work ethics) for he's been cranking out material (however socially unnecessary it is) like a mad man behind a laptop. I just doubt his claims of his current show being the #1 rated sitcom in America…but then again there aren't any other African American sitcoms in production aside from "Everyone Hates Chris" and "The Game". (I purposely left out all programming on BET for a purpose. I wonder if *ANY* African Americans watch that horrid channel for anything more than 106& Park).
- Ha! An Iraqi man threw a shoe @ President Bush during a press conference today. http://africa.reuters.com/world/news/usnTRE4BD1EX.html this could've been humorous had the shoe connected to its intended target.
- I cleaned the kitchen floor w/ ammonia and bleach and the house smells so clean.
- My DELL MINI aka my HACBOOK crashed and I haven't even thought of fixing it..i had Mac OS X Leopard running rather well on it….albeit the wifi wasn't working but a patch was in the works for that.
- I think I'm viewed as rather successful in the hood because on my last visit one of the local drug dealers said that he'd front me some start up money if I was truly serious. I think he's trying to Murder Inc/ Irv Gotti me. On some federal money laundering bullshit. I told him that I was SKRAIT with the funding for the time being.
- I'm struggling in life now that my personal accountant said that I can no longer patronize Starbucks unless it was on someone else's dime. So if anyone wants to help subsidize my (former) $12+ a day GRANDE SOY HAZELNUT LATTE WITH WHIPCREME…that's okay though because in doing so I'd have saved approx. $4k by this time in 2009 just be doing away w/ coffee.
To be continued.
Happy ThanksTakin and all of that...
Happy Thanksgiving and what not... I'm writing to you from the land of quietness and migraine headaches. There's no holiday feast or festivities for I am at the very moment eating a soy hotdog, and chasing it with some Publix Brand Cream Soda (MMMM, GOOD !!). The kids are gone, the dog is sleep and all that noisy is this re-occurring showing of 8 Mile on VH1.
What sounds like a very horrific holiday has actually turned into a much needed day of peace and quiet.
Happy Holidays...buy me something when you hit the Black Friday Sales in the morning.
Don’t Be Fooled By the Packaging.
Dear Nieces and Nephews , Your Uncle Fishgrease Fitzgerald Franklin III has stumbled upon what he believes is one of the funniest things to ever come across his pupils. Now to the commoner this wouldn't even be funny but to me it's hilarious. Now everyone that knows me in real life is aware of my love of watches and other time pieces…Well imagine my shock and the following laughter when I saw this article from Complex Magazine online http://www.complex.com/STYLE/Product-Guide/Watches/6223 . Sure it looks like 6 black watches and they're all great looking and all of that but to a person like me there's only 3. How is that so Fishgrease? Well I'll tell you. There's a Tissot. There's a Quicksilver and then …..wait for it…..there's 4 Fossils. You're probably saying that I only see one Fossil. Alas, my dear fly-by-night watch wearer, your beloved Adidas, Marc Jacobs and Emporio Armani timepieces are all Fossils. This is what you call accepted deception. I'm not saying it's wrong but it's not exactly what I'd expect to see in a magazine either. Essentially Fossil (who makes and owns some of the better lower end, middle ranking watch labels) is making a killing by stamping other boutique designer names onto their product. In business this is what you'd call a DREAM. You manufacture your same $90 product, stamp another name on it and mark it up by two and sometimes 3 times it's MSRP. This is marketing 101, Diversify your product. Give the consumer what they want even if they don't want it in your product. *side bar* This is by no means an attack on Fossil for I simply love their products and to prove it And of all the watches that I own (some 50 +) these fossil derivatives are probably the ones that I wear most often. So there's nothing wrong with the article, I just wish they'd have allowed someone who knew a little more about the diversity of brands to expand the recommended choices as opposed to what they offered in the publication. * end of sidebar* ~fin
5 of those watches in that case are all manufactured by Fossil. The two that look alike but are different colors are Cartier but the rest of them from top to bottom are all Fossil Products. They include
I've Been Busy ....(doing nothing)
I wish i could conjure up some big obnoxious tale as to why I haven't sat myself down and just updated this here blog of mine but as my usual life would dictate to the (internet) masses, I'm a big blob of laziness and false promises.
I have come up with a list of reasons as to why i have neglected you so.
- TWITTER : As much as i wanted to write this little program off as a useless tool of social interaction it has been the source of countless keystrokes of entertainment.
- Downloading Music. This should be no shock to any of you. I'm always in search of music but no search has been to the lengths of the now found HOLY GRAIL of posts past (aka Electrik Blue by Nicole Wray)
- NANIWRIMO : Oh, i started strong on this mug right here..but as usual my attention span waned and my interest in having a brag-worthy manuscript all but diminished this year. I managed to write just shy of 10k words and then just quit. *note to self * YOU'RE A QUITTER *end of note to self*
- E-Stalking. I've been trying to use the internet search engines to located the love of my life's address and other personal information. I never realized just how private Nia Long actually is. But that's alright baby, I know you're looking for me and it's only a matter of time before you give into my advances and allow me to massage your sexcushion.
- Television. Yeah, totally unlike me but I've been getting my fair share of the finest ignorance that moving picture box has to offer. The Real Housewives of Atl, Keyshia Cole, Coolio and of course all things HGTV have been the mainstays of my viewing pleasure for most of the past few weeks.
- Linux. I've been trying to teach myself the basics of this operating system to such a great rate of failure that its barely worth mentioning here but alas, this post is about why i haven't been blogging and for that reason fits ever so perfectly in this entry.
- SEX. No, I haven't been getting any more than usual. I just think of it more and thus i search the internet in search of masturbation worthy porn. Sadly, this search has come up with very bland material as i've either a) see the clips before or b) I refuse to pay for a nut or rather I refuse to pay to download such sh*t.
- Being Sick. I've been sick for about a week now and everytime I think i've shaken the damn thing another sympton of greater magnitude brings me back to reality and knocks me off my ass for another 3 or so days.
- Chelsea Handler. Man, I love this broad and her show Chelsea Lately. She is everything that i am minus the big head and penis. (I think she likes black dudes though).
- Chopin Vodka. Nothing more needs to be said about my love for Chopin and as of lately i've just been downloading music and sipping on the finest of mineral spirits. LOL
Dear Nieces and Nephews,
Please forgive me but the next 30 days will be devoted for the National Novel Writing Month (aka Naniwrimo.org). So if I don't update like I should (Hell I ain't been doing it any how) please know that this annual contest is the reason why. In between writing on this project I'll attempt to fit in and find time to devote to my first literary love "the fishgrease project or whatever literary backdrop I've chosen to name this particular chronological scribe. Love always, kae Williams
2 mins & 19 secs of Bud Light Lime (beer) and Lunestra.
This was written 45 mins in of poppin' a Lunestra tab and 4 beers in of a 6 pack…I'm phucked up and prolly knockin' on deaths door but hopefully it's not everywhere and then again..it's me so it's RAN.DUMB.NESS at it's finest. Enjoy. UNTITLED by Kae "FISHGREASE" Williams I think I went about it wrong… I should've never tried to walk with God. I should've slowed down And just tried to talk with God. Softened by death Ironically, thinking (that maybe) life is hard. It all feels trife, trying to do right. Soul bruised, (maybe) I'm emotionally scarred. It's a different world From where we come from. Life is an unscripted sitcom Even when shits the bomb The shit is dumb. I'm often amazed that I'm annoyed by my younger days. My past ways, the past Kae. Love doesn't live here anymore. I'm ready to cash in my chips. But I won't settle for just any whore. Trying to sell nickel for my thoughts, A kiss is just a penny for. I've seen dark drunken nights And if life is right, I pray That I see many more.
The Holy Grail...
I don't know if i should be happy or if i should be sad...because i have found the one album that has eluded me for what has to have been at least 5 yrs. Now I have nothing to aspire to...nothing to look forward to logging on the internet to find. Mere readers of this blog don't understand the magnitude of this...there's probably one member of the "FAM" that will appreciate this as much as i am. I haven't heard the whole thing yet but even if it turns out to be a horrible album, it'll still be the greatest internet find of my life.
think of it like a dj digging in the crates lookin' for that one LP that he knows exists and yet can't find..well that's what my internet trolling for the past 60 months has become.
but here it is..Nicole Wray's Elektric Blue.
When Disasters Strikes...
When disaster strikes,theres a great chance that i am close by to either witness the catastrophe as it happens or i am the actual victim of the said events.
Well low and behold due to my company depending on Uncle Sam to provide it with $85 billion and needing a way to pay off such a debt--theres talks (actually its fact around here) that my employer is selling off our division. This sale has nothing to do with our not being profitable for it is actually the total opposite. We're the only large entity under the company umbrella that made substantial profits in 2007 and so far 2008...and for that reason alone it only makes sense to sell us as we can garner the highest revenue to offset the loan.
With that said and done...all i can do is pray for a blessing that im still able to maintain and provode for my family...
Hope is not lost though..as i've learned in the past change is not always welcolmed but in the end such forced change usually ends up having favorable results.
Damn, I Found Nicole Wray and lost the world.
Fret not my good peoples. I'm still here and believe it or not--- I am blogging damn near everyday but none of my writing has been worth making public. My life has become an abomination of total and absolute boredom and therefore I pledge and promise you all that I'm about to get out and join the OUTTERNET and find some things worth writing about, so that I can amuse myself and entertain you as well. I think my first outing might be to go see that new Tyler Perry Movie "The Family That Preys". Not saying that I'm this big time T.P. fan because in my honest opinion his show on TBS could use some serious re-working but I do want to see this movie just to determine if the pre-release critic fueled hype is worth it. Plus it has that crazy Misery b*tch, Cathy Bates (sp.?) staring in it and any movie w/her dark psycho ass must be of some interest. *note to self* YOU WILL NOT PERUSE THE INTERNET IN SEARCH OF A TORRENT TO DOWNLOAD SAID MOVIE* end of note to self. Well wish me luck and pray that I find something remotely worth blogging about as I attempt to venture outside the confines of my self made prison (i.e, the sofa and this laptop). ~fin © kae Williams. Phat Thoughts Publishing 2008
One step closer to the holy grail....
It's only a matter of time before i find her unreleased 2nd album.
and when i do...i'm done downloading music for a minute.
1. Walk Right Up
2. If I Was Your Girlfriend
3. Destination
4. Forever
5. Thug Style feat. Peedi Crakk
6. Saturday Love
7. I Wanna Kiss You
8. So Sexy
9. Cloud Nine
10. Act A Fool
11. Where I'm From
12. This Love
13. Guns & Roses feat. Maino
14. Can't Get Out The Game feat. Beanie Sigel
14. Regrets [Bonus Track]
16. If I Was Your Girl (Remix) [Bonus Track] feat. N.O.R.E. & Peedi Crakk
Today she told me that she's leaving me...
Man, I've been seeing this broad on the side for about 4 phuckin' years. I mean she and i have a history together and whatnot. Sure i didn't take her out or show her shit, i just got what i got from her and left her the same way she was when i showed up.
Sometimes I'd sneak away from work to see this b*tch and now she wants to drop the bomb on me and tell me that she's got something more phuckin' promising. I shoulda choked the shit out of her.
When my son's mom was in the hospital giving birth to mini-me, she was the first person i saw when i left the maternity ward.
I remember when i first met her...i wasn't even thinkin' this was gonna be a long term ordeal. I figured I'd get the good-good from her once or twice and bounce...but damn she had the good-good f'real and i saw her almost daily for what had to be month after the very first occurrence.
And when shit got tired and mundane...she'd ask me if i wanted to add some flavor to our relationship. I was a little hesitant @ first but she kept asking and was persistent to get me to open my mind a little. I remember when she first added whip creme to the mix. This broad had me nervous like a virgin on prom night but the very moment i put my tongue on the rim and tasted that whip creme, i knew that she was a pro at this shit.
I am almost ashamed to tell y'all that she's an out of shape white woman but she is and i'm convinced there's not a woman of another race that could treat me better. There's been times where i needed that wet-wet before work and because she was good at what she does, i didn't mind being late to work....
but now, she's decided to move on and not even think that my feelings might be involved. I really want to wish her the best but my own selfish desires, needs and wants wish that she'd just stay put and continue allowing me to tip her for her services.
I'm going to miss you Sabrina.
You're the best Starbucks Barista in the world...who's going to make my Venti Soy Decalf Toffee Nut latte now?
*another self plagarized post...i originally posted this on OKP.com*
Adulthood :The road less travelled but according to google...it exists. I remember there was once a time that I both feared and anticipated the journey into adulthood. I wanted the social freedom that was associated with being ''grown'' but at the same time I didn't want the adult responsibilities that being a ''grown up'' carried (i.e., paying bills, going to work and just being responsible altogether). Foolishly I once imagined that all it took to be an adult was the physical act of moving out of my childhood home and getting a decent job. Ha!, that should have been deemed the final act of childhood and not the first forage into manhood..but alas, I had no guidance and no one to tell me the true measurements/standards of being an adult. There's no rules or requirements because no one knows when they truly become adult-like. Rules like that don't exist or at least they're not recorded for the likes of me (and possibly you) to follow. I mean one can't become an adult until they've fucked up various aspects of their (and possibly others) lives. Yes, I said it. One does not become an adult until they've had a few ego damaging fuck ups under their belts. And lo' and behold, I, kae Williams has more than plenty (eff'ups) to testify about. Those eff'ups are not to be mentioned at this time for brevity's sakes but I will elude that dropping out of college in my senior year was a major faux pas but I've managed thus far to survive and provide. (Catastrophe diverted) Where am I going with all of this you may ask?...well take a journey with me and I'll take you to the very moment of me hitting each keystroke on this here PDA phone of mine. (gotta love technology)....my true measurement of adulthood isn't how many bills you pay, nor how independent you seem to be...Today, I managed to measure how grown I was by my ability to walk into a bar that I've never been to and just post up and interact with the regulars (of which I might just become @ this establishment). So yes y'all adulthood isn't about age or responsibility but rather your ability to press ahead and get drunk around muhphuckas © Bernie Mac (R.I.P) you don't know. ~fin *sad weekend—We lost both Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes....sh*t, damn, muhphucka © D'Angelo
Today's entry was plagiarized from one of my old blogs...I found the subject fitting considering that I had unannounced house guests this past weekend at the GreasyMansion.
Ahh, House guests, company, and the likes. One really doesn’t know the inviolability of their home until others come and invade their space. This past weekend my girl and I welcomed members of her family into our home for the weekend. (well I really didn’t do much “welcoming” but since we share a home and I knew I’d be able to use this as leverage in a later argument, I just let it occur without much of a squabble).
It should be written law that anyone who stays in the house of another for a period of 3 days (72 hrs) or more should have to pay a utility or something. My grandmother used to say that both company and fish begin to stink after 3 days and I believe that she is more than right on the matter. By the second day, the homeowner is a wits end trying to accommodate the needs of their houseguest. It’s almost as if you’re a prisoner to the people you’ve invited into your home.
All of that “ can I get’cha anything” has relatively gone to sh*t by the 36th hour of their visit. You’ve realized by that time that the air conditioner hasn’t stopped running in 34 hours because of the additional body heat. You also realize that you’ve suddenly gone from consuming name brand soda’s like Coke and Pepsi to some generic off the wall brand called DR.Thunder and some other label that’s red and white that simply says “cola” along the front. I’m still in an uproar because one of this weekend’s guest had the audacity to consume my ginger ale…Anyone that knows me is aware that I’ve cut out all caffeine from my diet and ginger ale is my carbonated beverage of choice. Needless to say that by the time I articulated my frustrations about my stolen ginger ale, my voice was hoarse and parched from both dehydration and yelling.
If any of you ever decide to have house guests you may as well make sure that they don’t have children older than 16 years old. One of our houseguest this weekend was 17 years old and didn’t have the mindset for much of anything. Now don’t get me wrong I love my lil’ uninformed brethren to all extent and I make it a personal goal to spread a lil’ bit of my ignorant knowledge to each and everyone of them but some of these lil’ muhphuckas can’t be or don’t want to be saved. Simply put, I can throw you a life preserver but dammit I can’t make you grab hold of it. Overall, I’d like to believe that i’m one of the biggest rap fans of all time (well in my opinion) but trying to tell a 17 year old black male that there’s more to life than Cassidy, Busta Rhymes and whoever else is chart topping at the moment is rather difficult. * I pray that I wasn’t of the same rhyme spitting image of youth that reared itself in my abode this weekend. * But nevertheless, Christopher Wallace damaged modern day thinking by saying that you either “rap/sell rocks/ or you have a wicked jumpshot” to get out the hood. Too many of our youth really believe this. I bet you lil’ dude couldn’t even tell me any of the current events that are plaguing our country at the moment but he can recite every top 40 Hip Hop hit.
And then next youhave that one houseguest from hell that knows everything in the world except that they could’ve stayed in a hotel. I don’t care if you’ve been going to church since Noah docked on dry land….that don’t make you any more Christian than moi? I don’t care if you stopped smokin’ in the summer of 1942, you’re not as healthy as I am. (I don’t eat meat nor smoke). I don’t give a rats ass that you think Binladen is working down the street at the Panamanian Meat Patty processing plant..if the FBI/CIA ain’t busted the joint’s door down, your words are mere fodder to the humor recepticles in my mind.
Lastly, If I’m forced to give up my precious living room NBA FINAL PLAYOFF sofa position so that y’all can chuckle and kee-hee about shit of lil’ importance, it’s time for y’all to take your stank,broke asses home….
**shows y’all the door. **
Com Sense Survival Tips. How to live and stay breavin..
*i'm plagarizing from the one forum that i post on...i wrote this entry there and was too lazy to come up with new shit so i copied and pasted it here* Self Plagarization is the new crime of 2008*
I love each and everyone of y'all and i keep readin' post about how y'all unexpectantly end up in harms way so in order for me to keep gettin' material for my sitcom, i need to keep readin' y'all post therefore i've come up with a few survival tips so that i can continue to be entertained by y'all.
yours truly,
Greasy F. Baby (the "F" stands for Follow these Tips)
1. If you’re in earshot of a muhphucka and he/she/them says “Y’all better not be here when I come back !!”…Don’t be.
2. If you hear gunshots …get low and start crying.Don't be tryin to gauge what kinda gun the muphucka has and count the shots to see if they done ran outta bullets. This ain't a flick you ain't gonna come back on..you ain't dat strong (C) DMX
3. (Women) stop running on those isolated running trails…Phuck’s wrong with joggin’ around a high school track or ya basement treadmill?. Y’all always gotta be in the woods or on some deserted ass road. If the mountain lions don’t kill you, the crazy white dude in the beat-up painters van will.
4. Don’t drink and drive fast. If you’ gonna drink and drive take unwinding backroads with speed limits under 45 mpg.
5. When approached by the boys in blue…keep your hands up until you pass out. Don’t reach for sh*t; if they want’cho ID they’ll go in your pockets and get it at the same time they plant the crack rocks and guns on you.
6. A running cow carries a whole hide © My momma. If you see a disturbance, don’t interfere…get the phuck on.
7. Innocent bystanders always seem to get shot or are in harms way. My question is—If you know the muhphucka is crazy and shit is about to pop off…why is you standing by? How innocent is it if you see shit ‘bout to transpire? K.I.M.
8. If you’re a suburbanite and you know that you don’t belong on MLK, Jr Drive (err’city got one) or on the other side of the railroad tracks. TAKE.YO.ASS.HOME. Ain’t no historical sites in the hood. Phuck around and there will be a teddy bear memorial and candlelight vigil in your honor? *sidebar* Why do muhphucka pile up teddy bears and shit in the spot where a muhphucka get shot at? What happens to the bears after the fact? Does anyone go outside and cover ‘em with trash bags in case it rains? *end of side bar*
9. If you see a domestic dispute…realize that it aint’cho problem. Call the Po-po’s or what ever u call the gun toting badge holder…I seent a dude get his head smashed in by trying to play Super-Cap’n-Save-A-Broad-From-Getting-Kilt. This muhphucka started out by helpin’ ol’ girl as she was getting molly-wopped by her her dude. Do you know this broad jumped on the dude saving her because he was whooping her man’s ass? WTF? Nacho pussy Nacho Problem © CRICHMONKEY
10. Don’t yell at no one elses bad ass kids. Parents don’t even wanna hear your side of the story. (I might be guilty of this myself. You phuck’round and scare my kids, I am liable to knock on ya door with a .38)
If you see a group of kids/teenagers that look like they ain’t got nothing to lose. Guess what? They prolly don’t. I’m convinced that all saggy pants wearin’, fake gold chain sportin’, cornroll wearing kid over the age of 13 years and 3 days old, have quick access to a biscuit and ain’t scared to give you a 2 piece. I watch First 48 faithfully and know that these lil’ phuckas will shoot you just because you was minding your business and wasn’t paying attention to theirs. What I (just) wrote doesn’t make sense does it?…well guess what? Their reasoning for shootin’ yo ass makes even less sense cause well they’re 13 yrs old and ain’t go no parents so they’re being raised by their 43 yr old great great grandmother whose a recovering crack addict who forgot she had the gun in her sock drawer. And sadly, you wanna cause some type of disturbance by politely askin’ the 13 year old to move out the way so that you can back your car out of YOUR drive way. Now the muhphucka done lifted his XXXL shirt dress and reached into his denim capris and pulled out a burner and popped’chu cuz you won’t payin attention to him walkin’ in yo grass and thru yo rose bushes in his route to get to nowhere of importance. Leave these lil’ muhphuckas alone. They'll kill you dead.
Feel free to add on...I mean its for survivals sake.
It has taken me a lifetime to realize some of this sh*t...I'm passin' it on so you don't have to.
conjured up by yours truly.
~ love always,
Uncle Fishgrease Fitzgerald Franklin III
1. Your tie should never extend past the top ½ of your belt buck. Nor should it be higher than your navel. Ties don’t have to match the shirt. They are meant to compliment the suit and or pants.
2. Plan “B” should never be anything less than a 6 pack of beer and a night of ESPN/Sport Center. if your plan B doesn't result in bringing about a feeling of peace and quiet, You need to think hard and possibly re-tool your plan "A"
3. Never kiss the jump off.
4. Shine your shoes after every 3rd wearing.
5. T-shirts (undershirts) should fit snug underneath your dress shirts to avoid the undershirt bulge.
6. Parties, Cookouts, housewarmings…..when in doubt what to bring? Bring Beer. Regardless of how snobbish guests may appear, 90% of the time everyone will consume either Heineken or Bud. You can never go wrong showing up with one of these two brands. One is a foreign staple and the other is the domestic staple.
7. Your favorite ringtone should be VIBRATE. Use it and get use to it.
8. You should have 2 dishes (recipes) lodged into memory and the proper wine pairings for each.
9. Generally your socks should match your pants and not your shoes. The opposite goes when dressing casual or for working out.
10. When wearing baggy jeans, a slimmer shirt is necessary as to avoid the Missy Elliott trash bag video effect.
11. All men should own 3 watches. An atheletic watch for wearing during sporty occasions or when wearing tees/polo shirts. A casual watch with a leather band. And a watch with a metal band for dressier suit and tie occasions.
12. Watch the local news at least once a day and CNN or some other national news channel at least 3 times a week to stay abreast on the world around you.
13. Own the album “KIND OF BLUE”. If you don’t know who this is by or what kind of album this is, you’re already losing in life.
14. Know the name of a non-chain restaurant and have at least eaten there twice.
15. Know the names of the 5 closest streets to your house. You should also put to memory how many red lights, stop signs and turns there are on the last mile of the exact street you live on. This comes in handy for the first time she’s coming to your home.
16. Know who you’re voting for in the election and why.
17. Chivalry isn’t dead…it’s just underappreciated.
18. A well-mannered clean dressed and good smelling ugly dude pulls more woman than the arrogant pretty dude. Take notes and apply it to your lifestyle.
19. Clean toilets speak volumes when having female company.
20. Febreze, an open window, clean sheets and a vacuumed floor can go a long way.
21. Iron button down shirts on the inside to avoid poppin’ off/loosening the buttons with the iron.
22. Magazines should not be your sole choice of reading materials.
23. If at any heated moment you have to go more than 3 feet to retrieve a condom…you’ve lost.
24. Treat every situation in life as if it’s a business deal. Leave no stone unturned. Always Be Closing. (ABC’s)
25. Quality trumps Quantity (everytime).
26. Grey Slacks. Brown Shoes. Try it.
27. Drink enough to enjoy it…but not enough to forget it.
28. Talk to her as if you like her. Look at her as if you lust for her. Treat her as if you love her. The rest is in the bag.
29. Think vividly, speak quietly, and tread lightly. Nothing in life will pass you by if you slow down and live a little.
30. A well structured budget is created to help you enjoy and achieve the meaning ful goals of life…not keep you from it.
Sorry Janelle…but I found another.
Just when I thought that my love for Janelle Monae couldn't die…she's been quickly replaced by Jazmine Sullivan. Ohhhhhhhh, this girl got a voice on her. If ya good ol' Uncle Fishgrease ain't never gave you a gift then please consider this an unexpected present. It's every song the young girl has recorded that I could locate. (see the lengths I go thru for y'all) get it here Here's a video of Jazmine on SHOWTIME AT THE APOLLO some 10 years ago. Appreciate me now and you'll be rewarded later. Dont fret, I'm gonna get back to (real) bloggin' in a minute...i got some sh*t on my mind that y'all might find entertaining but until then listen to the music that i'm providing in the entry. Consider it soundtrack to the movie (or in this case the blog) of my life.
Help me puh-leaze
I am really not myself these days...the one thing that i used to enjoy doing more than anything in the world (which is writing) had become a total chore and outright bore. Don't get it wrong, I still love writing but i just do not have anything worth writing about or worth anyone reading.
but i can say that i've been occupying my free time surfing the net downloading movies and music such as this:
Tweet: SHOOK UP (this is my song of the moment)
The humorous days of….
Yesterday a co-worker and I went out for lunch at Applebees. Not expecting much in any stretch of the imagination (whether it be in great food, service or entertainment) we went in, sat at the bar and order a couple LIT's, a sammich and all the fixins. Well long story short we're there for a while and in comes this rather attractive young female. She walks in and starts to go to the further side of the bar which was obviously clear and had no one sitting there until she spots an empty seat next to yours truly. As if on cue, she takes the seat next to me and in true fashion and character of myself, I ignore her while still paying attention to her actions. She orders a Shirley Temple to drink or rather something obviously close to one ….she drinks two before I actually get my food and in between bites of the awful Tilapia sandwich that I order I lean over to hear and comment on her choice of beverage….She giggles and laughs, my boy interjects a few laughable lines as well. Now that the ice is broken, she begins to warm up to my remarkable charm and alluring swagger *pops collar while typing this* and starts asking things that a normally interested person would ask a person of my caliber (LOL). She tells me that she's 24 years old, is a co-owner of a residential cleaning business and blah, blah, blah. This mundane dialogue goes on for minutes and I can tell that she's now flirting with me and whatnot but unbeknown to her I'm in a zone and happen to be comfortable with my current position (relationsh*t wise) in life. Well as luck and chemical attraction (on her behalf at least) would have it, I pay my bill and get up to leave when suddenly she grabs me by the arm only to say.... Oh so you're just gonna flirt with me and not ask me for my number? Women in the "A" are aggressive in the ' 08….the see sum'n they want and come hell or high water nothing will stop them from getting it. *continues living off of yesterdays ego boosting afternoon* ~fin
Merry ChristNaS
I ain't wan(N)a throw up no fl(A)gs or nuffin' on thi(S) good o' internet but this is the new Nasir Jones album. Some of the songs might/might not make the final cut but never the less this is what i've managed to scrap up thus far.
My niggorant highlight of the whole album is Fried Chicken. Him and Busta made a song about greasy fried ass chicken. Awww, I love N*ggas.
Download Fish'n Nas : GreasyassN*gga
The Not So Random Yet Rather Random Ramblings of kae Williams
- These muhphuckas actually let R.Kelly off. I'm almost ashamed that he and I have the same first name…( I don't think I've ever told anyone on the internet that my name is Robert. Well it's spelled Rob'ert but it's one and the same at the end of the day.
- According to various sources….Lisa Muhphuckan Raye is free and single. She done left the crown prince of Turks and Caicos or sumshit. I forget what it is that the muhphucka is prince of but nevertheless she's free to be plucked.
- I'm actually taking a shit while typing this…the internet @ the crib is down due to a power outage and therefore I've decided to take you and this blog to unchartered territory. Not as uncomfortable as I previously imagined. But this gives the mantra of "I can't think of shit to write" a whole new meaning and perspective.
- Kids are great…when they aren't yours.
- Ha!, the supreme court has countered the previous ban on guns in the District of Columbia. It's about muhphuckin time.
- Now can I just get VA to allow radar detectors…
- Sushi, Chocolate Chip Cookies (which I despise), a banana and oatmeal is the reason why this blog entry is being scribed in the confines of my bathroom.
- As much as I've come to loathe Southern Rap music as of lately….there's something intriguing about Blood Raw's debut album that's drawing me in. His voice isn't brag worthy, hell it's actually kinda small for a dude of his stature but his delivery is so on point. His subject matter ain't great, he's the typical d-boy rapper, but he's not preaching the lifestyle. He's a rather emotional dude, that sounds akin to Jeezy (who so happens to be his label Boss)but he doesn't have the adlibs. His whole album centers on the fact that he lost his mom @ 12 and never met his pops. He speaks upon his bad times growing up which led to two prison stints and now he's trying to do right while trotting thru the fields of hatred and haters. But gotdayumit, it's the conviction of his words that make you wanna give dude a chance.
- Should memory allow I'll load up a song or two of good ol' Blood Raw, so y'all can decide.
- Speaking of Jeezy, I downloaded a new mixtape but due to Blood Raws album—I haven't had the chance or desire to listen to it at all.
- Didn't Jeezy just get arrested for a DUI and having narcotics inside of his corvette. (I love any dude that knows a corvette is still that sh*t).
- I'm gonna have to go in on Nate Dogg…but I think that deserves a post of it own.
- DMX got arrested for buying of all things…Crack !!! Where's the surprise in that?
You got me feenin (C) Jodeci
I'm sittin' here figuring out my bills and expenses (on company time) and i've been complaining about the cost of gas and shit..but check this....
I spent just as much money @ Starbucks for the Month of May as I did on gas for the same period.
I spent $253 last month in gas ( i avg. about $63.25 a week on gas cuz i drive 60+ mile round trip to and from work)and I avg. $62.61 a week on phuckin' Starbucks or 12.52 a day)
oh and as i now sip this muhphuckan Venti Decalf Soy Vanilla Latte, my body and pockets better know that this trip this morning is/was/will be the last excursion to FOURBUX coffee unless it's someone else treat.
I got's to do better for the rest of 2008. According to my budget i have the potential to be rich but my petty addictions are keeping me from seeing my wealth. *
what is y'alls petty habit that you can't seem to shake?
*i ain't really even minutely close to being rich...so don't be hittin' me up for loans and sh*t like that...cuz i ain't got it...ain't got it. Now fall back
janelle monae...i love you...
I'm not dead, yet.
I'm still unfortunate enough to still be amongst the living and able to grace you with future unnecessary ramblings...I've just been going through some personal things mentally and physically that have taken up more of my free time than should be possible.
Fret not, dear friends...your good ol' Uncle Fishgrease (Sugar) Fitzgerald Franklin III will be back in true and rare form in the next coming days....
until then
enjoy a song...this song. The Good Ol' Reverend Al "Grits" Green "FULL OF FIRE"
or if this d*mn divshare wants to work listen here
Is you there God?It’s me kae Williams
I'm convinced that God has a great sense of humor. Why is that you ask? Well take a seat and let me tell you a few things that only a humorous deity could chuckle about…. Near death experiences… Miscellaneous Now Mr. Johnson, don't get me wrong while I love you and all the greatness that you've blessed me with, I'm not 100% comfortable about me being your primary source of laughter. Sure I often brag about how my life is pretty much an unwritten sitcom waiting to be picked by black run network but dang must it be that way 24 hours a day? I'm sure you're not going to answer this directly and that I'll get some divine omen via email, text message, or bright flashing light with harpsichord music in the background with detailed instructions on why you've picked me as the CHOSEN ONE for your amusement. *the above picture is proof that God exists and that the black man is God. * ~fin
Dear Momma.
I remember the bad times because that's my nature and that was the last stage of life we shared...but I also remember that the good times existed. I remember not growing up with a father figure in the house and you taking the dual roles the best you possibly could. I remember not being able to shoot a jump shot and you showing me how to follow through with my elbows. I remember not knowing how to approach girls at school and you telling me to show them respect, be yourself and they'll come to you. I didn't realize it then...but my mother made me a man. If I didn't tell you then mom, I'm telling the world now...that I love you, always have, and always will.
I remember that when I didn't know how to fight...you paid for the boxing lessons instead of telling me to turn the other cheek and not get into squabbles and avoid trouble. You knew that as a son raised by only his mother that fighting would be my only way to survive. A lil' dude, barely over 5 feet tall, can't just walk away either he runs and gets chased and eventually caught or he stands his ground, gets knocked down but never gets phucked with again. You understood that. I don't know how you allowed yourself to let your little Prince become a King in such a manner...I guess the times were different. You made a man in an era where men where men and didn't have to resort to the petty cowardice of handling simple arguments with guns. I thank you for that. My mother made me a man.
I remember when your boyfriend tried to lay hands on you...I remember now just how those boxing lessons came in handy. I didn't outright beat him, but he didn't phuck with you anymore and he heeded when I told him that he's no longer welcomed in our home or life. You didn't have me take that training to protect myself; you knew that eventually I'd have to protect us. My mother had a boy and raised me to be a man. I didn't realize it then, but I thank you for it now.
Anita Williams 8/23/49 - 4/29/02
You birthed a boy and raised a man. And that man is me...Kae Williams
Fishgrease presents Fishgrease, Jr the Fourth...
This is the light of my life. Fishgrease Fiftzgerald Franklin IV....
This is a feeble attempt of a proud papa to show the world his pride and joy as well to let y'all know that Styling on Y'all ain't just something I do to make y'all hate...I was born with this swagger and now I've passed such genes down to the offspring.
Out do me...or die trying.
Undeniable Swagger

There has to be a level of admiration and amazement for a woman that has the self assurance to stroll around this physical appearance stricken universe with a (short) hair style that goes against the grain. You have to have a certain aura of confidence to be able to pull off the look on a daily and consistent basis.
There's something to be said about a woman with short hair, slim frame with little to no ass or breast that walks into a room and single handedly demands the attention of every male in the room. I saw a lady just like that last night at Barleys on Peachtree. She wasn't arrogant in her mannerisms by any stretch of the imagination but her smile let everyone know that she was having the time of her life and that the night (and the world for that matter) was hers and hers only.
Right now at the very writing of this entry,I'm sitting at Starbucks entranced by a lady that looks like a more attractive version of Jada Pinkett (before the Smith) circa 1996...same scenario, short hair, little to no ghetto refined thickness at all but shes the sexiest muhphucka in the room. I'd take a picture but that's just so corny and its beyond the limits of this literary god (ahem, that would be me for y'all slow bus riding individuals).
This is the life I have now chosen to live...I am admiring the unapproachable. Now don't get it wrong they're not unapproachable in the aspect that their out of my league (for the man upstairs hasn't made a woman of that mold since Mother Theresa). I'm just in the phase of my life by which its more enjoyable to view the goods than it is to chase and corrupt them and turn them into bitter hags because they fell for false promises of togetherness.
**steps out the game, walks up the stands and just watches the action from the executive box seats that aren't available to the commoners.**